Frigoriferi, Piani Cottura a Gas, Piani Cottura ad Induzione, Freezer, Congelatori

For over 23 years

Everything for home

+1.500.000 Orders

Regularly processed and delivered to customers

Secure payments

We use SSL certificates for secure and encrypted transactions

Over 68,000 Feedback

They are the best review you will find around

7 National Marketplaces

Present since 2000 on Amazon, Ebay and price comparison sites the leading e-commerce in Italy for the sale of home indoor & outdoor is an Italian company founded in 2000 with the mission of creating an easy, intuitive and fast e-commerce, which offers all users the opportunity to purchase electronic products and audio-video products at advantageous prices all year round , 24 hours a day, with fast and safe deliveries throughout Italy.

Thanks to the experience and passion with which we choose the products to offer to the public, and thanks to a commercial policy always customer-oriented, has now become the reference site in Europe for the choice of large and small kitchen appliances .

Our catalog offers a wide range of products to meet the needs of all our customers. We only offer high quality PremierTech branded products and always guarantee the best value for money.

Our team of experts are always available to provide assistance and support to our customers, before, during and after the purchase. We believe that customer satisfaction is our top priority, and for this reason we constantly invest in technology and training to offer our customers a top-level shopping experience.

Rating 4.9
Rating 99%
Rating 100%

Commercials Tv

"For over 23 years a point of reference for the sale of large and small household appliances"

Our TV commercials with rotation on the national Mediaset network, the first Italian network in terms of Share! Spot Tv su Tgcom24 Spot Tv su Cine34 Spot Tv su Canale 5 Spot Tv su Rete 4
Company Profile
Company Profile
1700 watt - PT8LAF
1700 watt - PT8LAF


The most important place in every person’s life is their home and it is there that we want to offer the best supports to simplify everyday life by providing simple and intuitive solutions.

We continually welcome with joy and enthusiasm new challenges and new opportunities for a simpler future inspired by our surroundings. Frigoriferi, Piani Cottura a Gas, Piani Cottura ad Induzione, Freezer, Congelatori

"Some Feedback from our customers"

DADO S.R.L. Unipersonale - Viale Enrico Forlanini 23 - 20134 Milano (MI) - Italy
Tel. 02.40703420 - P.Iva/C.F. 02681390809 - Numero REA MI-2640300 - Cap. Soc. € 110.000
Dall'anno 2000 presenti sul mercato

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